The Ones Chosen to Rule: The -Abel-

Just what /do/ those -Abel- do?

For a floating city full of people, granted the best technology and standard of living of all the nations... the answer is: mostly enjoy themselves.

Every now and then, some annoying -Lamb- chooses to act up and give Solaris a headache or two. Occasionally they go down to the surface to blow things up. But all in all, the -Abel- are a rather... mild folk.

Really. They are. Would you like to stay for dinner?

As a note, these logs were demanded in large amounts from various RPers, and so are old, contain large amount of minor conversations, etc, etc. They have been edited for spoilers for some people, but we may not have picked up all of them. If you are in one of these logs and want a part (or the entire thing) removed, simply ask Dominia or Kelvena. It's that simple. (^_^)


The First Floor Has All the Fun: The Lounge and its surroundings were home to a terribly large amount of amusements... before the Mr. Coffee was tragically blown to smithereens.

Just /why/ is Dominia acting so... Odd?: And why is she carrying in a Lamb that she apparently just nigh-slaughtered in to be healed? Miriam, Dominia, Ramsus, Sigurd, Asher, Roger_Corbey, Karen, and Kyle all participate in a bit of worry over whether Dominia has dragged up Miriam to Solaris only to watch her bleed to death on the table. ((4/16/00))
Watch it with that coffee!: Luka, Karagin, and a... creature have an encounter in the desert which nearly turns into a battle. Afterwards in the Lounge, both Karagin and Luka claim to have no true power, Roger_Corbey walks in, and a certain ghost plays tricks with the coffeepot. Luka is not amused. ((5/2/00))
The Sky-Twisted Illusion of Solaris: Luka and Alisa encounter one another in the Lounge, and have some minor conversation concerning other members of Gebler. ((5/16/00))
Family is Very Important: Ryukumu, Luka, and Ramsus all encounter one another in the Lounge. After Ryukumu claims that Jugend is too easy, Ramsus leaves, and Kelvena and Roni appear. Ryukumu has a few thoughts and worries about his current enrollment in the Gebler, as well as about his mother. ((5/20/00))
Watch it with that coffee! Again!: Asher and Luka meet while Krelian looks on... and ponders blaming Talon's recovery on the Doctor's conversations with him. Meanwhile, Roni frolics through the lounge again. ((5/21/00))
The Fun is Indirection: Karen, Har, Asher, Kelvena and Luka converge upon the Lounge for the morning coffee and conversation. Afterwards, Har tries to teach Karen how to play pool. ((5/24/00))
Must be Nice to Have Talent: Ryukumu, Kiara, Har, and Kelvena chat in the Lounge. Har chats with Kiara and Karen about Karen's drawing ability, and Landon walks in on a search for the just-departed Ryukumu. ((5/27/00))
Why is Dominia /still/ acting... strange?: Har walks into the Lounge just before Ramsus takes Dominia away to try and calm her down. A short log. ((5/29/00))
Pool is... A Science?: Just how can someone equate a pool table to a tactical situation? (x_X) Apparently, Har can, and he demonstrates this in another game with Karen while Kenji scoffs. ((5/31/00))
A round of salutes for everyone!: Having promised to bring back something from the surface, Har delivers Karen a few flowers. The two chat, Ryukumu and Jahanna stop by, and Landon randomly appears to spook everyone into saluting. ((6/3/00))
Just where did you get that jacket?: After being taken up to Solaris, Miriam wanders through the floating city. Encountering Kiara and Ryukumu in the Lounge, she ends up trying to explain why she is in possession of a certain Commander's jacket. Trying to, at least. ((6/6/00))
Don't mind the two people in the corner: Sirus and Luka have some coffee and conversation in the Lounge while Talon and Julian briefly stop by to think about Julian's possible future. ((6/21/00))
One lump or two?: Miriam and Cain have tea in the Gear bay for... some logical reason or the other. Kiara joins them, Talon wanders through the bay, and Riana and Sirus arrive. Eventually all move into the Lounge while Kiara thinks about recruiting Riana for the Imperial Guard. ((6/23/00))
Mints, Anyone?: Kale, Joseph, Casske and Duran all recover from various problems around Dazil, waking to find themselves in Solaris's Infirmary. How they react to Joseph's ability to have procured them this medical treatment, and how next they decide to spend their time, varies... but is all in good fun. A terribly amusing log! Let's hear it for language skills! (^_^) ((2/25/01))

Test subjects, test subjects, and more test subjects...
Part of You Wants to Swallow the Lie.: Talon escapes from Solaris with the help of Kyle, Arkady, and... Khiea! Yes! It's a Khiea log that isn't on the Khiea page! Anyway, they sit around at the Orphanage and talk. ((4/23/00))
I Was On Training Exercises...: Talon has had a long, long history with Solaris. This log is a brief part of the time where he was brainwashed, and ends up meeting Luka in the Infirmary. ((5/14/00))
I Still Can't Shake a Feeling...: Talon and Luka meet again while Talon is healing, only this time, Krelian appears to /also/ check up on the young man. ((5/17/00))
Shock Therapy Comes in Many Forms: Talon, back in the Ezekiel labs, is rather upset. He refuses to eat or drink and assaults the lab workers. To stop this, Luka stops by for a visit... and brings Erine with her.((8/2/00))
Deju Vu... Again.: Once more, Luka meets with Talon. This time, Talon is safely within the Ezekiel Labs, and the subject of conversation happens to be the health of the recently captured Julian. ((8/16/00))

Jugend: Be All That You Can Be!... or Else.

How did that nanocolony get in /here/?: A log from back when Luka was just a 'normal' psychologist, visiting Kenji in Jugend's student lounge. Emeralda shows up innocently after Krelian's extraction of a few nanobots, and Karagin also makes an appearance. ((5/1/00))
Maybe We're All Just Ghosts.: Taking a minute out to actually show up in the Practice Rooms next to the Lounge, Har encounters both Karagin and Ryukumu, who also wander by to use the mats. ((6/7/00))
So just who is that man in shorts?: Kiara interviews Clarth for a position in the Imperial Guard, while Luka and an unspecified man in shorts look on and comment. ((6/27/00))

The Ezekiel: Floating Fishbowls of Fun.
Sudden change of heart, there...: Luka goes down to the Containment Cells in Solaris to speak with the recent captive, Julian. Julian appears to have had a change in heart, but Luka does not respond to his claims. ((6/19/00))
Thus Speaks the Emperor.: Right after speaking with Julian, Luka recieves his mother, Shir, as a visitor. After a few minutes, the two adjorn to speak with Emperor Cain. Shir makes her request and departs, and Luka and Cain watch her go... and think. ((6/19/00))
For Those Who Judge.: After being captured by Solaris, Sirus tries to relax in the Ezekiel Lounge. He talks with Luka, and the two decide to go visit Ryukumu down at the Desert Base. Instead, they encounter Sigurd. ((7/18/00))
Perhaps There Is Still a Chance.: Ryukumu's explosive departure affected a lot of people throughout Solaris, and not just the coffee-drinking ones, either. In the Ezekiel Lounge, Luka meets an Asher who is rather depressed over recent events. ((7/16/00))
And the last anyone heard...: In another reference to the Ministry's Dinah plotline, Luka encounters Sirus in the Ezekiel Lounge a short time before he leaves on an unspecified mission for the Ministers. ((12/22/00))

Now, Play Nice With the Lambs!
I May Ask Your Name?: Har and Jahanna head down to Dazil to browse the Ethos's spare parts, and encounter Sage, Brooke, and a bit of Alanna. Brooke and Har talk shop for a while. Jahanna glares at just about everyone, but Har is in a good enough mood to play at being a gallant. ((5/21/00))
It's always best when they come peacefully: While Talon is being searched for by various soldiers, who happens to run into him in Dazil but... Luka and Har. Talon agrees to return to Solaris, and all seems well until... ((6/12/00))
Only If the Lambs Play Nice With /Us/: In an attempt to 'save' Talon from his 'recapture' earlier in the day, Julian storms into the Infirmary... right next to the Lounge. Of course he encountered resistance! Kiara, Ryukumu, Clarth, Har and Luka all appear, and are not at all pleased. ((6/12/00))
Why are /we/ the Bad Guys?: After the Emperor asks Luka and Har to help the imprisoned Julian, the two head down to find... a very unhappy prisoner. Luka partially loses her temper, Har remains calm, Talon tries to check up on Julian, and finally the Emperor himself makes an appearance. Afterwards, Luka and Har vent a little in Luka's Waiting Room, and bet on humanity. ((6/13/00))
A Job, not a Jihad.: Luka, Ryan_Jackson, and Lia meet in the desert base, but they don't stay there for too long before discussion turns to Solaris. Seeing is believing, and Luka eventually takes them up to show them that... the people eating dinner in Solaris are just like the people eating dinner down on the surface. Just... with different food. (^_^) (Warning: Solarian spoilers, etc etc...). ((6/26/00))
At least you were given a choice...: After Ryukumu bombs the Lounge and flees from Solaris, nearly every Gebler promptly embarks on a search for his head. Luka, meanwhile, goes to the desert base and politely offers a chance to return without an execution penalty. Ryan_Jackson is there, and conversation ensues. ((6/30/00))
Linguistic Skills: No -Lambs- here, just Asher and Luka in the Dazil bar. The two converse in Solarian for nearly the entire encounter, about anything from Khiea, to Cobalt Wing, to morality, and drink quite a lot. ((7/27/00))
Just Who is... Id?: The question goes unanswered (due to an editing of the log for spoilers). Here, Ryan_Jackson reports to Luka and a casually present Har about the fight of Cobalt Wing and Fei in Dazil. ((9/5/00))

--Xenogears, Dominia, Tolone, Kelvena, and Seraphita, along with all other themes, names, and concepts on this page are the copyrighted creations and ideas of Squaresoft. In no way are we taking credit for their achievements, nor are we claiming their ideas as their own. This is simply a non-profit fan run MUCK, created for the enjoyment of all Squaresoft Fans everywhere. We are IN NO WAY, attempting to violate these copyrights in any manner, way or form.--