The Yggdrasil Sandcrusier vs. The Empire of Solaris Plots
As anyone who's played Xenogears can tell you, people of Solaris and the Yggdrasil do NOT get along. The same is true on the XenogearsMUCK- both are less than happy that the other exists and are taking steps to eliminate this problem. Its the Yggdrasil vs. Solaris, guys, and there's a lot of hating going on.
Most of the game is spent fighting Solaris in one way or another, so there's obviously some potential in this XenogearsMUCK plot to take off. At the moment the Ygg vs. Solaris plots are pretty loosely grouped together here, but since their hatred towards each other doesn't look like its going to end, this really isn't a true PLOT.
It does, however, set the stage for several other plots to launch themselves.
Currently, however, Solaris is only attacking the Yggdrasil for a few simple reasons- Revenge... Revenge... And well, there WAS that side note about Krelian wanting Khiea for a lab subject... But most of its... revenge! The Empire of Solaris has lost to the Yggdrasil so many damn times in the game ALREADY that they currently would like nothing more than to blow them to pieces. Anyway, on with the plot summary....
It started simply enough- Dominia wanted to deal away with Fei for the sake of her own grudges and hoping to do a favor for her Commander. So she did the logical thing that any good bloodthirsty Solarian Element would do- go after the Yggdrasil in a solo attack with nothing more than the Bladegash Gear and a rather egocentric pilot. This wasn't a good idea.
One on one battle with Bart was SUPPOSED to be easy. And it would of been. In fact, Bart's Gear (and perhaps Bart, too) would be scrap right now if it wasn't for the fact that Dominia didn't notice the Bart Missles in time. With one nearly destroyed Bladegash, Dominia suddenly ran out of options...
That's how it started, at least. Upon that day, the Element Dominia was held hostage for the most of three weeks until a Solarian spy upon the Yggdrasil managed to save her. And once she got back, well, Dominia wasn't very happy. And neither was Solaris.
The battles that followed were rather assorted in nature- Krelian suddenly decided that it was a high priorty to get Khiea Dalant in his labs, so he sent an attack crew and some Solarian Battle Crusiers to the Yggdrasil. After that failure (although the Yggdrasil should of lost that one, really... Hey, Good Guys' Luck, perhaps?), there was Krelian's strange Gear vs. the Yggdrasil's Gears...
And then the Yggdrasil struck back. Bart and two crew members, a mere three people, managed to infiltrate a Solarian Cargo Ship and make their way into Solaris undercover. Settling bombs and explosives all over the place, they did an amazing bit of damage before their capture.... Although their sneaky escape but a day later managed to MORE than anger Solaris.
So what shall happen next? Solaris is certainly planning to gain its revenge upon the Yggdrasil... But how it shall certainly end, who can say? Only time will tell.
Dominia's Attack on the Yggdrasil: The first log where Solaris and the Yggdrasil actually fight each other. Its simply Dominia's attack on the Yggdrasil and her pityable defeat at the hands of the Ygg's Bart Missles. (10/24/99)
When Dominia Was on the Yggdrasil...: A ZIP file of the 10 logs that occured after Dominia's capture- from her first interrogation to her escape with Eucledes, Karen, Khiea, and Sirus. (10/24/99-11/7/99)
Krelian's Orders, Part 1, and Krelian's Orders, Part 2: Krelian orders Dominia to use any and all resources available to capture Khiea, for some really odd reason... ((11/12/99))
Dominia Taunts Karen and Sirus: Of course, its hard for Dominia to 'make sure Karen doesn't loose Khiea' when she managed to do that within 10 minutes of landing on the surface. Dominia taunts and insults them gleefully, then turns to her quest to capture Khiea right off the Yggdrasil Sandcrusier...(11/14/99)
Dominia, Lorienn, Karagin and two Solarian Battle Crusiers vs. the Yggdrasil's Fei, Elly, Natalie, and Roger Corbey: The full extent of the plan 'So perfect that it couldn't fail' that it did. Seemingly out of pure luck, the Yggdrasil manages to fight the Solarian troops- and win. And after all of Karagin's work, they didn't even get Khiea! Geez Solaris, get your act together! ((11/16/99))
((I don't have a readable log of the Krelian's Gear vs. the Yggdrasil log.. Can anyone Mail me it?))
The next few logs are the records of Bart, Roger Corbey, and Ryukumu's infiltration of Solaris. To make ANY sense out of 'em (especially the 2nd log), you have to realize that Bart= Peto, Roger_Corbey=Hardy_Haarhar, and Ryukumu= Ananais. They were all under aliases to aid them on their trip through Solaris.....
Bart, Roger, and Ryu Get on a Solarian Cargo Ship: Informed by Elly of the Ethos-Solaris connection, they manage to worm their way into the Ethos HQ and make their way past a whimpery Daytaii and a Solaris work crew to sneak onto the Cargo Ship...((11/21/99))
Bart, Roger, and Ryu Run Around Solaris Setting Up Bombs- And Get Beaten to a Bloody Pulp: After they run around Solaris for a bit, their would-be escape is foiled by the Solarians. With Ikken, Karagin, Dominia, and Tolone (YAH! We've got one now!) vs. Bart, Roger, and Ryu, was there any DOUBT who'd win? Solaris racks up its first victory against the Yggdrasil with a vengeance! ((11/21/99))
Dominia's REALLY Boring Version of Bart, Roger, and Ryu's Escape: Tolone had all the fun in this log, but unfortunatly her log of this incident is HUGE and horribly unedited. So, for the moment, here's Dominia's version. Its boring as hell, though, as she's knocked unconcious early on. Most of Domi's version of the log consists of her dragging her semi-concious self across Solaris while getting the occational message from Tolone on how she couldn't stop Bart and his friends from stealing a Solaris Gear (with Elly's Gear release codes), escaping Solaris and crash-landing near the Ygg so that Tolone couldn't stop them. Sorry, folks! ((11/21/99))
Take THAT, Yggdrasil! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!: Our thanks go to Tolone for this log! The moral of the story here is that: When a huge floating empire gets serious about wanting to nuke a small ship... The Empire wins. With two bombing crusiers, one formal crusier, two Elements, and a hoard of Solarian gears... How could the handful of still-working Yggdrasil Gears possibly hope to stop them! Sink, sink, sink, Yggdrasil!! (As a note, its kind of hard to read.. The line breaks are representative of the two plots going on at once here- the battle outside and Alex, Margie, and Maison inside. So the line breaks are there to help divide these two separate conversations.)(11/27/99)
Inside The Yggdrasil: Margie's Wonderful View of the Ygg Sinking: Khiea's somewhere on the ship, although who was to know it was only Daos accidentally shapeshifted into Khiea's form, while the real one sat panicked in her room, all alone? Margie takes off through the Yggdrasil on a quest to save who she can... And while she didn't get crushed by a Soda Machine like in XenoMUCK legend.. Something just as fun happens! (11/27/99)
And their plan was foiled by the fact that they sat at the door for a full 6 hours...: The remaining members of the Yggdrasil crew have a brilliant idea. However, it doesn't really get too far as they sit and stare at the Fort Jasper door for a few hours. This is the part one- the next log, Yggsol4.txt, shows what happened later (since there was a break of several hours between these two logs, they do not match up perfectly, however.) (12/4/99)
Don't you Good Guys Ever DIE?!: I mean, REALLY, guys! We Solarians limp with leg injuries, go unconcious from bashings, and go faint with bloodloss and yet, when we ether blast YOU to death, you can still easily drive a sword into some poor Element?! That's not fair, I wanna be a godling too, drat it! Nonetheless, while the Ygg crew FINALLY gets into Fort Jasper, they don't get much of a chance to look around until Dominia and Kelvena lead a formal attack upon those hiding in Fort Jasper. And, sadly enough, they don't win! They don't even get Margie as a hostage! Grr! Do enjoy it, though, folks, this is the LAST direct Solarian attack for a while... We've got.. a new focus.... *Evil grin* (12/4/99)
The XenogearsMUCK is copyright of no one, being a nonprofit, fan-run MUCK based upon the game of Xenogears, copyright of Squaresoft. In fact, we don't own anything on this page or on the XenoMUCK page.. We're just avid Squaresoft fans that decided to give a modest little effort to add something to the Square-loving population.