The Shevvite-Nisan 'Peace Talks'
Shevat finally makes a move.. And the move that Shevat makes is -odd-. (O_o) Remember, everyone: With the non-agression pact between Aveh/The Yggdrasil and Solaris, Shevat is less than pleased with any of the 'protagonists'. Thus why they have a makeshift treaty with Kislev. However, they've not really done anything but hover above Nortune ominously so far.
They changed that.
Under the guise of a peace talks, Yui was sent down as an 'ambassador' to talk with Holy Mother Marguerite. Between keeping the Yggdrasil away from Margie, keeping the Ygg in the dark about everything while trying to get them out of Nisan and keeping their curious gaze on Fort Jasper all the while... Shevat's up to quite a lot of plotting.
And it's so gracefully covert that no one really knows exactly -what- is going on. (O_o)
Thanks go to Kaori and Bart for helping supply the logs!
Starting Posts
Logged on: 1/31/02
The first two IC messageboard posts that started this plot. Kaori sends the notice of an ambassador wishing to speak to Margie to her. Margie baffles.
Margie Frets at Sigurd.
Logged on: 2/1/02
Having no real idea on what to make of this peculiar and vague summons, she asks Sigurd on his opinion of what she should do.
Margie Frets at Gabriel.
Logged on: 2/1/02
It's very similar to the previous log because, uh, it was done on the same day and I was feeling unoriginal. However, after worrying about what to do about the summons, Gabriel asks her on the Nisan take on love. She is more than dazed, but.. The hints here about what Gabriel feels are rather cute. ^^
Margie Frets at Bart.
Logged on: 2/3/02
Margie explains the situation to Bart, who blinks, and then worries along with her over what to do. By now, she's made her mind up to go, despite how Bart really doesn't like the idea at all. Short, but quite cute.
Pre-Discussion Plotting: The Dark Yggdrasil
Logged on: Approx. somewhere between 2/3/02-2/10/02
Kaori drops in on the Dark Yggdrasil to request their aide in harrassing Nisan. So, she flies down to the ship and talks with Tifa. And so they plan and plot.
You're not letting anyone else in...?
Logged on: 2/9/02
For what is being passed off as an offer of a peace talk, the security is rather absolute, isn't it? Bart accompanies Margie to the Cathedral, only to find that Kaori will only let Margie in, and no one else.
"All that we are asking... Is for Nisan to remain in that state."
Logged on: 2/9/02
Margie meets Yui, who talks absolute circles around her. She confesses to being from Shevat, and explains her rather baffling reason for coming. How can something that sounds so innocent be so blatantly threatening?
Coffee. Right. We'll get.. Coffee
Logged on: 2/10/02
Gabriel reaches the Cathedral, and is less than pleased to find that he can't enter. And so, he and Bart start trying to covertly plot out what to do.
Bart and Gabriel Split Up
Logged on: 2/18/02
Their plan to get to Margie is put into action, Gabriel to face Kaori and Bart to try to get into the Cathedral.
Kaori vs. Gabriel! Part One!
Part Two!
Part Three!
Logged on: 2/14/02-2/21/02
...Wow. Gabriel and Kaori talk. And they actually start to get along very well, as they talk about all sorts of things over lunch. Gabriel also confesses his feelings indirectly about something that is incredibly cute and so remarkably ill-fated. O_O But it's quite an amusing set of logs, if not lengthy.
Bart's Anticlimatic Rescue Attmept
Logged on: 2/18/02
Bart finally sneaks into the Cathedral! ...And is sent out just as quickly. Those guards are sprouting rather interesting sorts of things, aren't they? But it was a vallient attempt, nonetheless.
One delay, one distraction right after another.
Logged on: 2/24/02
Margie questions Yui later, trying to find out just what specifically she's going after. Despite how she tries though, she can't seem to find a flaw large enough in this event to ask just what exactly is going on here. Instead, she gets talked into planning a formal peace agreement, and is sent out of the Cathedral.. Under conditions. This does not seem to bode well for the Yggdrasil, however...
IC Post #2: Summons of the Dark Yggdrasil
Logged on: 2/24/02
As Yui said: "It's simply a matter of making sure that when Margie leaves the Cathedral, the Yggdrasil crew is.. Not there." This is apparently the plan she was thinking of.
Brighton and Gabriel come up with a plan
Logged on: 2/25/02
So, when one is being plotted fiercely at, what can one do but plot back viciously at them? When Brighton is filled in on the details of what's going on, he reacts rather calmly, with proposing an idea that could potentially prove useful..
Come and catch us, Ygg'ers!
Logged on: 4/6/02
It was logged a bit out of time, but this is basically when it was supposed to happen. It's the Dark Yggdrasil! And when they go out to do their job, they do it with the flair and drama that only the D-Ygg can conj--Wait, that's just Dirah. But they -do- do a really lovely job of luring away and completely confusing the Yggdrasil. Fun for all!
So, let me get this straight...
Logged on: 3/17/02
Margie, fretting over this utterly peculiar treaty she has to write up, goes to mope in the Nisan Cafe, baffled as to where the Yggdrasil has gone and what on earth she's supposed to do. She runs into Kaori--Mixed blessing there--And gets relatively nothing out of her. But then Gabriel comes in. Watch Margie look relieved.
The Ideas Flow when the Shevvites Leave
Logged on: 3/18/02
Once Kaori leaves, Margie and Gabriel start talking in honest about ideas on what to do for the treaty. They're all very cute and noble ideas. But goodness knows how much good they do later. Still, cute! Quite!
Shevat Tea Party of Death
Logged on: 3/23/02
So I was a bit late posting this one.. It's also partially incomplete, but enough gets said here to give you a notion of what odd and plotting thoughts are running through the Shevvites' thoughts. What a scary bunch. Discussing who needs to be 'removed' over tea.
Granle Joins the Shevvites
Logged on: 4/1/02
Has Kaori met her match? The cold Shevvite soldier Granle unwillingly (or so it seems) joins the Shevvites in their peace talks, but at Kaori's offers to house him in the local inn, he refuses and goes off to check on his Gear.
Yui: Thanks for signing, Margie! Kaori: BOO! Margie: *WAILS*
Logged on: 4/19/02
Uhm... Ignoring the phenomenally odd title I gave this one, because I was tired and feeling random, this is actually a very nice scene. Margie submits her idea for the treaty--All goes well, and they sign it. But from there on, it gets... Fun. Read and see for yourself! It's thoroughly fun.
Whoops! I'm sorry, did I just screw you over and shatter all of your dreams? *Smile*
Logged on: 4/20/02
Margie is dragged over to the Dark Yggdrasil without incident.. At least, until they get there. As Tifa is in not in, Yui sits down to have a little chat with Margie on what is going to come next, and why they did what they did. Vague and nonspecific, Yui really does make an art out of dodging the question. And when she finally does get down to what she wants Margie to do, and how she'll enforce it... Margie gets -pissed-. But what can be done about it? She's pretty much backed into a corner here.
Does -no one- on this ship lack ulterior motives?
Logged on: 4/21/02
Margie meats Captain Tifa Marabat. ..And they get along surprisingly well, ironically and amusingly enough. A few good twitches are had over the fact that Tifa is the woman who pretends to be Bart, and they otherwise have a nice conversation. But Tifa's ulterior motives just make one wonder if -everyone- on this ship can't smile without having some secret reason why. Goodness!
What is there to say but, 'I'm Sorry'?
Logged on: 5/4/02
The Yggdrasil is contacted by Dirah, who does a great job of completely freaking everyone else. She offers Marguerite back to them in exchange for them leaving the D-Ygg alone, and a very cute and touching reunion follows.
Margie radiates FRUSTRATION and WORRY! Sigurd suffers a headache.
Logged on: 5/9/02
Ever since Margie came back to the Ygg, she's been depressed, withdrawn, worried and fretting over something that she has refused to tell anyone about. In an attempt to figure out just what is wrong with her, Sigurd comes by to talk to and comfort Margie. Quite cute.
I think.. Something might be wrong with Sister Aniko. >_> Cough.
Logged on: 6/4/02
Margie might not be able to stand up and scream, 'Aniko is a spy! Don't trust her!' but she certainly does her best to hint along everyone otherwise. She has a good, long conversation with Sister Angela, tries not to glower at Aniko, and Bart overreacts to absolutely nothing!
Margie and Bart on a Picnic
Logged on: 6/16/02
CUTENESS. x_x I don't have the log in which Bart was planning this picnic (when I swore I did--I'll find it for you all soon), but this is the outcome. Bart, in fear that Margie might be cross with him, plans a picnic for the two of them. It's adorably cute. x_x
Gabriel returns back safely! While Margie nearly kills her and Bart.
Logged on: 6/19/02
Gabriel and Kaori fly up to the Yggdrasil in Gears--Hey, wait! Since when did Gabriel have a Gear? And why is he with that Shevvite woman? Margie is baffled and confused, and Bart gives her a lift to what's going on in the Andvari. Which has entertaining results.
The Entire Story of the Peace Talks Revealed
Logged on: 7/9/02
Gabriel is safely returned, and Margie couldn't be happier. They explain the truth of what happened to the entire Yggdrasil crew, who is less than pleased to hear it. Plans are made, and ideas of how to deal with Aniko are laid out. Traditional Gun Room plotting sessions are fun. ^^
The Price of Betrayal: Kaori returns to the Shevvite rendexvous point on the coast of Nisan to meet Yui. The point is made that her actions were not ones that could get by without punishment. The punishment that is dealt to Kaori is certainly strange, but the battle is certainly entertaining. ^^
The End of the Nisan-Shevvite Peace Talks: Shevat Versus Solaris-Held Fort Jasper
And now! Without further ado, the ending of the Nisan-Shevvite TP! Lo and behold, the massive, multi-part plot that took place on August 2nd, 2002. In my opinion, this was one of the smoothest running plots in XenoMUCK existance--Nearly everyone showed up who wanted to be there, there was little fighting or debate over what was happening, and no one dropped the ball in the many times that people had to sign off mid-plot. All in all, it was a lot of fun, a lot of drama, and well worth it in general. So! Enjoy!
Dominia and Collin : Before the Attack: A brief few rounds of poses of what the Solarians within the Fort were up to before the attack itself.
Yui and her Shevvites : The Start of the Attack: Yui, Granle and Tognotti are the Shevvite OCs at the reigns of this attack. Here is Part One of the Attack, including the Shevvite approach, up to when Yui got into the Fort.
Solaris vs. Shevat : The Raging Battle: The largest of the files by far, this overlaps the previous log by a few poses. Otherwise, it is Dominia's copy of the log, including the entire fight outside of Jasper, as well as clips over the Solarian Military Radio Channel (Noted simply as 'SolChan').
Yui vs. Citan : The Battle Within the Fort: When Yui infiltrates the Fort, she gets a most unpleasant surprise. Given no other choice by the loyalty that binds them to their countries, Yui and Citan face each other for a dramatic sword battle. It's highly disturbing, if not somehow very touching as well. o_o
Khiea vs. Ryoji : Betrayal of Soap Opera Proportions: When Khiea realizes that it is her friend, Ryoji, who is destroying the Fort's defenses from within for the Shevvites, the poor Solarian Princess is deeply hurt... And returns in her anger to her instincts as an Ether Weapon.