What's Going On Now?

Last Updated: 3/15/02
(Updated: Everything; Shevat Section Added)
Lots of people complain that they don't know what plots are going on around the world. And so, here's my attempt to appease you all. Realize that because I do not have alts in some of these countries, I might have minor flaws in the information there.. But if I did make a mistake, simply tell me and I'll fix it.

If you would like to add an important event here, or would like to help me update this entire log page, please send these requests to DominiaSol@hotmail.com or duran_the_swordmaster_of_shevat@hotmail.com.

Past 'Worldwide', all areas are organized alphabetically. Some areas are not listed because no one, to my knowledge, is RPing in them.

Duran Says: Give a big hand to Dominia for updating this little section, as my experience outside of the desert is really...(plttt). So, as always, send in your logs to me and NOT to Dominia, because she's very busy with the XGMOCPW. 'Mmmkay? ^_^

It's a Kel-Note! ^.^: Some people have muttered unhappily lately about recent current events being not really 'true to form'. Well, guess what! Being that this is a Muck and has things like OCs and basic limitations (like players existing or not existing and the ever-jailed Rico in Nortune for lack of an RPer), we're kind of... can't follow storylines exactly. Oopsy. And, ideas to keep the game going are pretty cool after about two years of Muckly time, even after the game's been long-released. And, er, we have things like Krelian's Daughter and the Margie being threatened by falling objects. So, in other words... stuff happens (and we like squishing Margie)! *beams!*

The Worldwide Political system is a bit iffy right now. Solaris has a nonaggression pact with the pirates, and the current ruler of Aveh is a Minister put into place to serve the interests of both Solaris and the Yggdrasil. With the Gazel's insistance of trying to assassinate a Yggdrasil crewmember, though, this pact has begun to shudder.

Shevat, peeved with the Yggdrasil for agreeing to this pact with Solaris in the first place, has seemed to take up a sort of glorified neutrality. While it hovers over Kislev, it's unknown what sort of aide they're providing to them, if any. If nothing else, it seems to be working for it's own good at the moment.

Things seem to have calmed down in the Dream. In fact, things are almost... /too/ calm in the Dream. (X_X) The happier sides of that world are extra, extra-happy, while Nightmare has reportedly... become almost sinsterly calculating.

In Aquavy::
A female Etone named Erine was put into temporary control of the Ethos during Bishop Stone's absence. During such, Erine has nearly completely taken over the Ethos. She has given pardons to certain people previously exiled from the church, reordered the higher Etones, and otherwise begun to reorganize the church.

While her time in the Ethos has been uneventful, since Solaris is content with her rule as long as she does not attempt to sever ties with it, recently a group of discontents has risen. The 'Rogue Etones', as they are, are something of a cult group. They've withdrawn from Ethos officially and are hiding somewhere in the Aquavy islands, only coming out to burn down something or protest Ethos before running back into hiding. Their future plans are unknown.

Billy has recently left Aquavy and currently is believed to be somewhere in Nisan to search for his sister. The orphanage has thus continued on under the watch of Erine's Etones. Primera, however, is nowhere to be found. Some worry has arisen as to where she could have gone off to.

There has still been no sign of Bishop Stone in Aquavy.

In Aveh:
The GA-GS troops /do/ seem to be getting better in their effectiveness and overall performance. One can hope that this trend will continue.

With the rather informal end of the Tournament, closed by a group of mixed Solarian and Aveh officials instead of Shakhan himself, Bledavik has become quiet once more.
In fact, ever since Shakhan's rather discreet removal from the throne, due to reasons ranging from incompetancy to political purposes, the Country of Aveh has been left in the hands of a 'Minister Brin', who speaks for the sake of a 'SolAveh'. In theory, he's there to work for the common good of Solaris as well as the Aveh kingdom, although the political situation is noteably shakey lately.

Shakhan himself is known to be severely out of favor with Solaris these days. Some whisper that he may even have been executed himself for mismanagement. However, these are rumors alone, and no solid evidence either way exists.

Yggdrasil Pirate activity has declined greatly, as has the activity of their 'lookalikes'. In fact, there have not been sightings of them for the last few weeks in general.

In addition, a religion seems to have started sweeping the desert tribes, signified by the presence of statues of a woman in the wastelands. No one seems to know the exact details, but sights of the statues, with supplies for exhausted travelers, are becoming more frequent.

In Fort Jasper:
For all given apperances, Solaris took over Jasper just to have another place to sit around and chat in. Officially, the Fort is used as a base to keep a closer eye on the world around it. However, things have been eerily quiet.

Officially, Solaris claims that the base is used for inherantly peaceful operations, and that the troops are there for the preservation of the safety of Nisan.

There are supposedly about 200 Cobalt Wing soldiers at the Fort. There has also been evidence of other troop movement, under the control of the Elements. These are the only military forces currently tolerated around Jasper.

The presence of Talon, claiming loudly to be Krelian's new son, has stirred up a bit of resentment with troops. Some soldiers prefer to avoid the young man, and it's wondered if Krelian will do anything about the situation.

Unbeknownst to literally anyone, Shevat has it's eyes on the Fort Jasper. Their suspicious presence in Nisan may very well have something to do with this, although anything Shevat is up to right now is quite entirely vague.

In Lahan:
Lahan has been recently, and quickly, occupied by Kislevi soldiers.

The soldiers seem to be using the area for strategic purposes, having not made any public displays of executions in the fairly deserted town.

The crimson Gear of General Yasha has been noted in the area many times, but to observe the front lines.

Security among the Kislevi troops in Lahan is stable once more.

In Nisan:
The City of Peace has finally settled back into some notion of safety, after last year's scare with Solaris taking over the Fort Jasper. With the tenative non-aggression pact of Solaris installed and little happening to make them wonder otherwise, Nisan has quieted once more.

However, they might have done so too soon: Not long ago, a strange Ambassador and her aide came from an unknown country to talk peace with the Holy Mother. Since then, Margie has been inside the church with the Ambassador, and none have been allowed in. No word has been heard from either.

While the Yggdrasil is currently based in Nisan, there are sightings of another 'Yggdrasil' in the area as well. All in all, it is likely a bad sign.
In Nortune:
Nortune has revived itself once more as its armies assemble. The city is shadowed by the floating spectre of Shevat overhead, which has not changed position in some time. Gears have traveled to and from Shevat occasionally, leading some to wonder.

The Kislevi are largely unconcerned with Shevat, accepting its presence as an ally. Meanwhile, they concentrate on the issues of the war, that their long preparations have finally readied themselves for.

Shevvite sensors are keeping their watch around the city of Nortune, protecting them and forwarning them against retailliation attacks. So far, the war continues to be waged on enemy turf.

Yasha, recently elevated to the status of General, has taken to her work of leading the troops on all three fields with great enthusiasm. As the Phoenix rises, she brings courage to her troops. And, more than that; she brings the fear of Kislev to the territories conquered.

In Shevat:
In a surprise, all-out battle, Shevat has gained control over Fort Jasper after battling the combined Solarian/Yggdrasil forces. However, it seems that the last laugh is on Shevat: The cannon is inoperable, the control room has been damaged heavily, and anything left in Fort is now useless.

Kaori is now in Shevat, forced into exile by order of Ambassador Yui Uzuki.

Shevvite forces are now stationed in Fort Jasper.
In Solaris:
Solaris has had, unsurprisingly, a certain amount of dissent at being allied with 'filthy earthworms'.

Laboratories in Solaris were infected with an unknown virus which gave a number of scientists flu-like symptoms. Some think it is the work of terrorists, while the administration has released a statement saying that the virus was apparently contained.

More than a few people have noticed the slight change in Luka's physical appearance, but since she looks more Solarian now, and better fits the role of a mother-figure for the country, they have pinned it down to cosmetic alterations. Luka herself has been weak ever since her return from Nortune, but blames it on the ordeal.

Studies on the effect of Khiea's Dream in Solaris have also been renewed under Kelvena's jurisdiction, with a more intense interest in the details of the changing land. Citan Uzuki has also entered the research of this, as the alliance with the Pirates with Solaris has allowed for a greater field of resources.