((Logged 1/8/2001)) Dazil, Mercantile Area Contents: Juniper Senchei Helios Kale the Tavern Advertisement Juniper walks slowly into view, clutching her case with one hand. She walks quickly and efficently, and if you didn't know her, you wouldn't be able to tell how distracted she really is. She stops and mops the sweat off her forehead with one gloved hand and rests her case on the ground for a second. Helios arrives briskly at the Mercantile Area of dazil carrying a mid-sized book on gears. He gently leans against the tavern, and flips it roughly to a page, looking at Juniper, and the rest of the scene above the book. It has been a time. It has been a time. Senchei has not touched ground with feet in uncertain hours, known only to those whom it truly matters for. And she is not one of them. It has been a time since her boots felt the sway of the earth seeping up through them, and she has felt the dance of gravity's pretense of nonexistance. It has been--has it?--long enough that there is no need for her to do naught but stroll with leisure down the pounded pathways of Dazil... and to do so in plain view! Ah, some *thing* has been broken, for Senchei to appear not on a mission or search for entertainment. Then again. Perhaps it is this open dress of an Element of Earth that beckons the latter. Perhaps. Kale 's ears twitch and he looks up at the new arrivels. His orange eyes flit over Helios and Juniper before catching sight of Senchi's Elemental uniform. He quickly stands up, and goes to attention, tail thrashing. "Ma'm! Welcome to Dazil." Juniper is about to pick up her case and resume her errand when she sees Senchei. Suddenly trembling, feeling the demons of madness she had thought repressed, she shoves her hands in her pockets, makes two fists and closes her eyes tightly. Helios glances at Senchei, noting the element dressing quickly, wondering why an element-class would be here. He closes his book and looks at Juniper worriedly as it appears that something is very wrong. Helios walks over to Juniper and taps her gently on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but is something wrong?" Lovely. Senchei allows the demihuman's salute to lift, to hold, and only then after a moment of satisfaction turns her smile to cream... only then, does she turn her face to Kale fully. "Hello there," is the purr. I recognize you, it sighs. Don't you remember me? And, softer, sung out through the corners of the eyes along each lash, do things begin to make sense for you know? Eyes skim along the crowd. Movement. Senchei falls at last into the roll of motion that marks her, a step away from the center of the road. "Mmm.. thank you, Kale. How have *you* been kept?" Light, light, and ignore the fuss between Juniper and Helios. Or believe her to. Juniper jumps suddenly and turns, her eyes unfocused. ~donttouchmedontliketobetoucheddonttouchmehurthimhurthimshehurtmeSHEHURTME...~ Juniper forces down the horrible little voice in the back of her head and tries to loosen her aching hands. They've always hurt since the accident, but when they're fists, they're horrible. The scar tissue doesn't really like being forced around like that. Finally she gives it up as a lost cause, figures the pain will help ground her, anyway, and gives a VERY unconvincing smile. "Nothing's wrong. Really." Her fire-eyes shoot over to glance at Senchei, then back to Helios. "I'm fine. Thanks." Helios makes a thoughtful pose, inspecting Senchei and then looking at Juniper again. "Well, it is quite obvious you have some problem with that element over there... What's your name?" Kale tilts his head to the side, and taps the ground with his tail. Orange eyes seem to focas in on Senchei, and a second eyelid rapidly opsn and closes as he gazes at her. "I'm afriad you have the atvantage of me, Ma'm." Kale has changed in the unverisually insignifigant time since they last met. Kale has lived in the desert...and almost died in Dazil. And being saved by Talon is something noone would forget. But perhaps the side-effects of Talon's 'help' are the greatest changes to Kale...clawed feet now make wearing boots impractical, and Kale's face is markedly lessed human....though possibly more humane. Does that smile, that linger of look upon a face better translated into a feline's features... does that come from knowledge of what goes through Juniper's head? Does a predator sense fear that drives it to taunt--rich upon the air, filling the soul with warmth, oh, blessings of these little joys. Judge as you will. Judge her a sadist or a saint. Or both. Or both. "I do." Have the advantage. No. As quickly drawn the breath of whatever-have-you through her lungs, as quickly turned to seriousness. Or whatever passes as it. "You have changed, I see..." A pause. Sideways consideration of the eyes. The face has turned to half Juniper's direction, half keeping Kale. "I believe... I *like* it. Are you on duty right now?" Juniper bites her lip. "It's nothing. Thanks, though." Finally, her hands unclench. The pain is almost as bad in that motion as it was when they closed. They still shake, but they don't hurt as badly. ~Logical, Juniper. Think logically. Did she really hurt you that badly? Ask yourself, not what you were. Ignore the screaming girl. Did she hurt you really badly? She scared you, but she let you out. And she gave you back the photograph...~ In her pocket, one bare fingertip traces the edge of the ancient picture. ~That's something you need. Logic...~ ~istillhatehershehurtmeihateherihateherihateher...~ deep breath. ~Fine. You hate her. Hate her because she's Solarian, because she's an element. Hate her for all that. Don't hate her for what she did to your poor broken self...~ another breath. ~thatseemswrong.~ ~Maybe it is.~ Juniper smiles at Helios. It's more calm, now. "I'm okay." Helios nods, feeling his hate for the Solarians as well, and knowing that by inquiring about someone elses problem he's only covering his own emotions. says "...Alright" and leans back against the Tavern. Jessie has arrived. Kale looks surprised, then takes a glance at a rather large, worn wristwatch. "...Thank you, Mam'm." Was that a compliment? Was he being mocked? Kale is used to being confused, after meeting Joseph...and other events. So he takes it in stride. She may be looking at him oddly...but Kale has learned to look beyond first impressions. "I'm about to get off my shift." "Mmm..." Amusement, a touch. Amusement, right before the mercury's reversal of mood. To violence. A chance. Keep things sweet tonight, keep them lovely. Keep all things without fuss, and let emotions stay where they are. Oh, *do* let them. "I would like to speak with you then, Kale, about the Anti-Gear forces... though a drink would not be too out of order." Lower those lids, just far enough to recognize rank. She does not speak to Joseph. Surely she must know. And again, azure orbs dance to sight of Juniper. To Helios. Amusements, but let this evening hold. Juniper has disconnected. Helios looks over at Senchei, wondering what she's planning. Helios has always innardly feared those with power in the Solarian military ever since he discovered the truth about his parents... Kale tilts his head to the side. "Do you wish to go to the tavern, then, ma'm? The headquaters is...less then advisible." His tail taps the ground softly. "And I'm not sure I caught your name, Ma'm." Jessie strides purposefully into the central area of Dazil. Not knowing whom or what he'll find, he is once again, perhaps subconsciously, drawn into the desert city he truly hates. When he gets a closer look at the small group that is gathered here, he recieves quite the shock. It seems the 'new' earth element has decided to make an apperance on the surface. "Facinating," he quietly says to himself, "I wonder what she is doing here in Dazil." He stays back, not wanting to start something, or give each other away. "You didn't." Rare, to find words short and kept that way, kept from drawling into sighs and exhalations that have forgotten their purpose. "But it will come back to you. I'm sure... or something will, and that will serve us *all*. No?" Turn, turn away, turn and smile--and see the one who also could wear these colors. In a different form. Time and time for that, but "Is this not the *prettiest* little chance, Jes..." A name of the past or a name of the present-- either or both, for the name is allowed to spill and die where it lands. "Won't you join us?" Bullets or glasses for, "First round... is mine." Kale smiles slightly, but looks a bit quizzical as he thinks. Surly he wouldn't forget a women like ~that~ but...Kale has had a hard time in Aveh. Kale's tail sways slightly, and he his eyes shift. "Well, then...let us go." Kale picks up his equipment and stows it in his slightly dusty bag...then stops as he sees Senchei talk to Jessie. "...A friend of yours?" Helios notices the former Gebler military officer, Jessie, and nods, agreeing. "I was wondering the same thing, why an element would be in Dazil, Fort Jasper is a decent distance away from here, as is the HQ..." Jessie offers an open palm pointing towards the nearest tavern. "After you though.", he says with a smirk on his face since he doesn't *completely* trust his replacement. He turns and squints his eyes at Helios, offering a look that could suggest he shouldn't have mentioned the fact she is an Element or where she's based out of. As for Kale, it appears Senchei has befriended the demi- human and would tell him something anyway. "You could say that we go _way_ back.", he says flatly. "You could say that I have met him." You could say that he has thought to shoot you. You could say that you have watched his youngest child sleep at night, pale hair adrift next to the fragile breathing of her lungs. "And he *is* so wonderful to hold in the mind, isn't he? Although all of you are... I know that he is lovely to have over a drink--and since that is what we are doing, why not?" Reasonableness, perfect and sincere, dressed in words which can bend to mean quite the opposite. But step away, make as much acknowledgment to Knowing or Not Knowing as Jessie has... step away, step physically, and let things trail behind her to the tavern's way. "Shall we?" Helios apologizes to Jessie for stating the obvious, and introduces himself as an ex-Solarian as well by the name of Helios. Kale has left. The Lucky Avenue Bar Contents: Senchei Helios Jessie Kale Into the levels of sweat and grime and lurid conversation--not so much upon the bar itself as the fact that here, soldiers take their times to forget about what they are. Senchei goes first. It is a point she has given to Jessie--or possibly thrown to him, as the generous toss alms to prove their own plenty. Let him walk in behind her. Let him see her back while turned. That is rare, but she holds the door, holds politeness in its place, holds that faint smile steady. Distance of knowledge--do you know who I am, Jesiah? Does anyone here know each other? This smile is born of vision. This smile is born of the same levels of desert dust which cake the people already drinking here, noticing masks of dirt and of society. Smiling back to Senchei as he walks past her through the open door, Jessie smirks and chuckles softly at her. "I knew I couldn't get away with that one.", he says to Senchei laughing. "I'll take your offer of a round, for my time in this dusty town is short at best." "With that said, he strides in and motions back to Kale and Helios, "She seems to know you two rather well, so if she's offering the first round, I'll get the second." He is at ease here in the tavern surrounding and confidently strides up to the bar and his conversation is lost in the din, but he is seen ordering something and motioning to Senchei. Kale walks in slowly, and looks around to make sure that HE isn't here. After a cursory inspection revels a definite lack of Joseph, he looks to Senchei and Jessie. "Table?" Kale has disconnected. Helios has a seat at the bar and orders something to drink, eyeing the crowd. "Always so soon in, always so soon gone..." Deliver a smile to Jesiah, deliver the door closed again. Browse out and find a table, allowing Helios to walk past and take his own repose. Rest hands upon the back of the wooden chair, drawn out for Jessie, and watch that waved hand in her direction... does Senchei tense? No. No. Again, a point. Meat thrown to dogs which range outside, a challange that is yet a motion of trust that is distrust. Order her drink for her, and she will pay. In coins? Watch her swallow the choice down and see. She waits for Jessie to return before she sits in her own chair. Ah. *There*. He chooses her drink. She chooses his seat. After recieving what appears to be a Dark Kislev, (Anyone who knows Jessie, could easily assume the drink is heavy on the 'dark'.) Jessie motions to Helios, "C'mon kid, don't you know sitting at the bar itself isn't good for you?" He spys a empty table close to a wall and motions the group towards it. Eyeing the time over the bar Jessie sees he needs to get going and finishes his drink quickly. "Sorry boys and girls, but duty calls and I need to be headed out." He takes keen notice to Senchei and says in her general direction, "Now don't go and get each other in trouble." Knowing what she could do to them, he isn't about let her off easy. He turns, goes to the bar, mentions something to the bartender, (Does he know them all?) and strides back into the Desert. Lithia has connected. Helios takes a seat at the table, as motioned by Jessie before he had left, with his drink. He smiles slightly at Senchei and Kale, and then introduces himself to both of them, seeing as he's kind of new around here. Kale sits down, and pulls out a seat for Senchei with a twitch of his tail. "Nice to meet you, Helios." His ears twitch as he turns back to Senchei. Something...something is famlier about her...and she certainly is acting familier. Talking about changes, and his name. "A beautiful day, wasn't it?" Suddenly, Kale's left ear twitches. Some half-buried memory surfaces, and Kale wonders if he isn't forgetting something important. Jalon has connected. Brin has arrived. Brin realises his mistake as soon as he spots a gebler uniform. Blast. Not feeling safe at all, he spins round on one heel, and marches quickly oout the door again. Brin has left. Lithia wanders quietly through the door, her expression sullen and dulled as always before stepping behind the counter and tossing her keys casually onto the inner bartop. Placing a few glasses out and signalling for her fill-in to leave, she quite easily takes over the bar and stands her scythe in the corner. With a sidelong glance at the rest, she casually tends to her duties. Amusements enough. This mood balances one way, balances the other, and Senchei lets the wood of the chair slip out of her fingers. Both the ones she and Jessie would have taken remain unclaimed, pulled out for ghosts of themselves to sit and converse. Sweet how behavior had to fall. Be kind and wry and considered a beast, or be calm and leave none behind to think that way. Hilarious. *Hilarious*. Let laughter not rise yet. "Helios... how lucky we are then, to have brought a light with us into the dark." Sons of the sun pull their chariots to her table, but it is no longer hers. It is Kale's. It is the dragonling whose memory may revive... too late, too late, for she is leaving. Is she? But first. A drink. Something strong and gritting, for sanity's sake--and call not whose mind it may save. The scythe has no more time to the eye's notice than any other toy Senchei may see on her routine. Consider that, and, "Something strong," she purrs lazily, leaning an elbow upon the counter while she orders. "Something rich." Helios wonders about Senchei's mysterious way of things, especially the way she talks sometimes, but lets it go rather quickly. He then looks toward Kale again with a slight smile "So who might you be?" "The name's Kale. Who I am?" Kale waves to Lithia as she enters, then turns back to Helios and Senchei. "That's a long, painful story, Helios. Now, though, I'm just one of the soliders stationed here. How about you." His gaze slides back to Senchi, orange eyes questioning. His mind goes over useless facts. Seems friendly...friends with that Jessie person...Jessie ordered a Dark- ...Kislev. Kale's eyes widen, and his ears twitch. His hand goes involentarily to his side. "Oh... Lithia raises a brow and politly -for once- returns the wave before turning her attention to those now seated. "...anything I can get you?" the question lacks her usual set of rudeness and edge, but still wasn't quite overly pleasant, a simple question, and nothing more. Ah. Yes. Senchei's eyes, lazy over the crowd, take in Kale's motion as if... they had been expecting it. Sooner or later. Azure eyes to orange--Solaris's crystal assurance to a demihuman's question. "You've grown," is all she says to that, to Kale--a rumble of a mother lion after seeing her cub again, a hint of pride and yet a hint of challenge. Have you, Kale? Grown... show us, now. But no, there is no debating to that--there needs not be any. The realization upon Kale's part seems to have sufficed... at least a little. Senchei returns her attention to the bartender, lingering finally upon the choice of, "Aquavy Island Iced Tea..." Helios glances up to the bartender and responds, "Just a simple solarian beer will do, thanks." and then looks back to Kale, "As for me, I've... been around. I'm new to the surface, just came here about a week ago." Jalon As Jalon walked through the doorway into the Lucky Avenue Bar, the desert wind blew into Dazil. It had done that often, he noted, as if the wind followed him wherever he went in Aveh. He had come for a few quick drinks of refreshing water, as long trips in the desert usually left him on the brink of dehydration. After walking three steps into the tavern, however, he noticed Kale with two other people he did not know. He stepped over to Kale, as friends often do, and greeted him. "Hey, Kale. Haven't seen you in a while!", he exclaimed. He hadn't seen his friend since he had been asked to retrieve Dakota for him, and he was pleased by his appearance. Kale has disconnected. Lithia nods her head breifly and watches as the demi-human walks out, pouring the drinks and setting each down in front of them. "Umm....Solarian? I've never heard of that company, sorry...." Senchei simply enjoys the bar's existance by continuing to lean upon it. Lithia walks by with the tray, and Senchei hooks her drink off with one rose-gloved hand... switch glass for the ringing of coin, and all is well. Regard Helios. Regard Jalon. Accents, anyone? All in Ignas for now, but Senchei's rings smooth with Dazil's standards, consonents harsh when needed and vowels run ragged when required. "You're new," she notes. Softly. To who? It doesn't really matter, does it. Ah, but lean away from the bar, drink a mixture that is better taken while sitting, and look prepared to leave. The world is calling. Is it? Better to take out annoyances elsewhere, search high and low for something quiet. For Mother is late.